Fremont Christian School was founded in 1968 by First Assembly of God of Fremont, now known as 港光教堂. The pastor and church envisioned offering a Christian education at all grade levels to any family in the community who would support FCS's purpose, 政策, 和程序. Every employee of Harbor Light/Fremont Christian School is an evangelical Christian regularly attending an evangelical church. It is our goal that every child who attends FCS learn what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 十大博彩公司由学校校长Dr. 特里西娅迈耶.
Dr. 特里西娅·梅耶(特里西娅迈耶)成长在一个重视基督教教育的家庭. She attended Fremont Christian School for 13 years and even served as United Student Body President. Dr. 迈耶进入大学时并没有打算把教育作为职业, 但她本科期间的一系列经历让她回到了FCS. 她一生都在港湾之光教堂做礼拜.
Earning degrees in education and both teaching and administrative credentials have given Dr. 迈耶是重要的专业基础, but the impact of key Christian mentors has provided the preparation for leadership that is not typically taught in a classroom.
她的行政生涯是从大学辅导员开始的. 迈耶对高中毕业后的辅导特别感兴趣. She finds great inspiration and satisfaction in helping students as they work through this important transition.
Dr. 迈耶是十大博彩公司教学和学习的积极领导者. She is committed to research-based educational practices that bring about transformation throughout FCS. This is not only true for standard college-preparatory content but also for the most important content of all: biblical worldview education. Dr. Meyer wants every student to leave FCS with the sense of belonging and value that comes from being made in the image of God.
Dr. Meyer的丈夫,Dr. 雷蒙德·迈耶, serves as the principal of the 二次 Campus and is the pastor of First Baptist Church of Newark. 迈耶家的儿子, 杰克, graduated from FCS in 2002 and is continuing his Christian education at a member school of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Dr. 梅耶喜欢旅行(尤其是在英国)。, 阅读, 还有狗(尤其是巴吉特猎犬和嘟嘟狗).
Nathaniel从幼儿园到12年级都在FCS学习, 1999年毕业, 2003年夏天加入我们的幼儿园. 他珍视多年来与学生和家长建立的关系.
我们的 早期教育 department is committed to developing each child’s academic and social abilities with compassion and care. 我们欢迎. Jimenez’s leadership as our school continues to strive for excellence, integrity, and growth.
Dr. 雷蒙德·迈耶是中学校区的校长. He became a Christian in high school and attended college and graduate school intending to pursue ministry. 上学期间,他开始在一所基督教学校的课后项目工作. 到他毕业的时候, he felt that God had prepared him for and called him to the field of Christian education. He first started working for FCS in 1980, after graduating from Fuller Theological Seminary.
Dr. 迈耶自1989年以来一直住在弗里蒙特,和他的妻子在FCS工作. 特里西娅·迈耶,她在FCS长大,并在那里工作了30年. 他们有个儿子, 杰克, 谁在2022年毕业于FCS, and they are so happy that he has grown up being taught by such wonderful teachers and friends.
Dr. Meyer在FCS教授和领导过各种职位. 他一直是初中和高中学生的圣经教师, he served as the administrator for our elementary summer program for many summers, 在担任副活动总监的一年里,我过得很开心. 在他离开FCS攻读博士学位之前, 他还担任了三年的中学副校长.
He is passionate about education because he believes that God created us to grow in our knowledge and relationship with Him. The goal of Christian education is to help all of us grow in our knowledge of God’s creation, 真理, 和字. Dr. Meyer is excited to help students to become the kind of people who reflect the image of God. He is grateful that as an administrator he can help both the teachers and the school as a whole fulfill the purpose of Christian education for the entire student body instead of just in his classroom.
Dr. 迈耶喜欢老爷车,尤其是20世纪60年代的肌肉车. 他自己有两辆车,他喜欢保养和周末开车. He also enjoys hiking and biking in amazing places in our area as well as in the Bay Area and northern Nevada. He also serves as a bi-vocational pastor of a small church in Newark, which he enjoys very much.
小学 Department Chair 以斯帖所以 has taught fifth grade at Fremont Christian School since 2013. 夫人. 他拥有加州大学洛杉矶分校的心理生物学学士学位, a master’s in intellectual disabilities/autism from Teachers College at Columbia University, 凯恩大学教育领导与管理硕士学位, and an Education Specialist instruction credential from California State University, 北岭.
作为她教育方法的一部分. So strives to partner with parents and families in order to educate students holistically, 同时坚持高学术水准. 她通过小组合作帮助学生社交成长, 最重要的是, 引导每位学生全心认识和爱神, 灵魂, 和精神.
两位夫人. So’s children currently attend FCS: Samuel (Class of 2023) and Johanna (Class of 2025). 夫人. 所以喜欢吃美食,和家人朋友共度时光, 也参加了孩子们的篮球比赛.
在弗里蒙特出生和长大, 凯伦behren attended Fremont Christian School from kindergarten through 8th grade and always imagined herself working at a school. After attending Concordia University Irvine and receiving a California teaching credential, 2017年,她欣然接受了FCS小学教师的职位. Working with some of her former teachers has been an invaluable mentorship opportunity. 另外,女士. 贝伦斯觉得自己被召唤去从事基督教教育工作, 知道神会带领她的脚步,用她来成就神的事工. She appreciates the ability to share her faith with students and walk alongside strong Christian colleagues for guidance and support. 她在帕洛阿尔托的三一福音路德教会做礼拜.
After earning a master's of educational leadership from Concordia University Portland, Ms. 贝伦斯转任为课程与教学主任. Her master's thesis focused on the role of instructional strategies and classroom environment, 尤其是对英语学习者(ELLs). Ms. 贝伦斯致力于以研究为基础的最佳教学实践,包括 项目很高兴 和马尔扎诺框架. She continues to attend conferences and professional development classes to understand new technology and opportunities for FCS.
Ms. Behrens and her husband, Dennis, enjoy traveling to 国家 parks and inter国家 destinations. They also regularly visit Disneyland and are always ready for a quick weekend getaway!